Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Trees...the naked truth

Driving down the mountain I am more aware than usual of the bare trees. They are really beautiful to look at, to see the basic structure and character of the different species. Each one is unique yet they share some traits with their own family. Sycamores have thick trunks and sprawling white limbs. The Tulip Popular is tall and slender.

I wonder if we could stand bare before each other without our leaves of adornment, without titles, makeup, status symbols, stuff and half truths. I don’t think so. I don’t think we have the courage of a tree. But I suspect that trees don’t judge each other, so they are free, even if just for a season, to cleanse themselves of their extra baggage. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could too, even if just for a season?

Read more from ABC Wednesday.


  1. Lovely shot and very true words. Enjoy your day!


  2. You have got a point - only it is freezing outside! :-)

  3. Could we pick the summer for that? Because beautiful as those trees look, they also remind me very much of cold and shivers.

  4. Wonderful thoughts - I don't think I could do it - could you?

  5. I love the idea of people shedding their leaves to be free of judgements.
    The trees almost have more distinction from each other when naked of their leaves.
    Excellent post.

  6. Excellent food for thought. If only... the world would be a far better place minus the pretense.

  7. Very thoughtful post. I like your theme of trees.

  8. Very nice....and a bare naked tree...

    Your words ring very true and your photo is lovely.

  9. My father used to paint barren trees, pretty much to the exclusion of leafed trees. I thought maybe because it was easier. But maybe it was more profound than that.

  10. A thought-provoking post! It used to make me sad to see the bare trees in the winter, but I have come to appreciate the beauty of their bare branches. I also have a tree today!

  11. Beautiful shot and interesting thoughts...and, it is cold!

  12. Interesting ... neat picture, too!

  13. I think many of us would feel fortunate to find just one person with whom we could bare ourselves completely without judgment.

  14. Very beautiful photo and thoughtful words.


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