Sunday, March 7, 2010

McCoy and her guide to walking in the woods

Dress for the season.

Sometimes you have to tug a little to get your friends to go hiking with you but they will be glad you did.

Learn the names of wildflowers.

Be careful and check you body for ticks and sticks that can attach themselves to you.

Be prepared if there are no facilities.

It is a good idea to take a nap after an early morning of birding.


Don't forget to take field notes, you'll wish you had when you get back to the car.


Take a friend with you when you go adventuring in the woods.

She was my friend for the last 16 years.
June 1994 - Feburary 27, 2010


  1. What a cute pooch! I couldn't find him in the very first photo...blended right in with the snow. Cutie!

  2. these are all SO cute, what an adorable dog! i love the one of her in the grass and with the sticks and leaves stuck, very sweet :)

  3. She looks like she was a very intelligent and witty companion :-). I like this little photo story, even if the end is sad - but 16 years is not too bad an age of a dog, isn't it?

  4. What a brilliant photo essay and loving tribute to your loving friend. You've got some wonderful memories! Sorry for your loss. ~ks

  5. McCoy is a real cutie! Adorable photos!

  6. My heart aches for you, squirrel. To lose a beloved pet is such a huge sorrow. And what a darling dog McCoy was! I'm glad you had so many happy years together.

  7. what a great walking companion to have, I'm sure she will be missed. 16 years is a wonderfully long time to have been blessed with that adorable face :)

  8. What a delightful post, and a wonderful tribute to a good friend.

  9. Thank you all for your kind comments and comfort they bring. She was a cutie for sure!

  10. squirrel
    i was sorry to learn about mccoy. but i know she had a great life and got to explore a lot with her curious human companion.

  11. Cheryl,
    Great tribute to McCoy. She would have approved.


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