Monday, April 26, 2010

Luna blessing

During the thunder storm last night I noticed a large Luna Moth (Actias luna) clinging onto the screen door just outside of my kitchen. It had probably just emerged and managed to get to the safety of the overhang before the sky let loose with large pellets of rain. Notice how the two eyes make a face that is almost other worldly, like someone seen in the Star Wars Cantina talking with Luke Skywalker.

Luna moths are members of the Saturniid family and one the largest moths in North America with a wingspan of up to four and a half inches. In my area the adults live only about a week and produce two generations a year. The first ones show up in April and May and in the case of this one it was April 25.

Here is a photo of the caterpillar that I took at Sleepy Creek WMA August 16, 2008. It is almost as pretty as the moth. Notice how it blends in with the background.

I felt really blessed to be visited by this delicate moth with its creamy green color and regal purple trim. The gold feathered crown adds to the splendor giving it an over all magical aura. It made me think of Glinda, the Good Witch of the North, who gently lands to offer advice to Dorothy. I imagine the Luna tapping’s its wand over our heads and reminding us, as Dorothy was, that we already have the answers we need – just follow our hearts and click our heels together.

This morning it was gone and I suspect if followed its own heart as it caught the scent of a mate and flew off.

Visit other interesting animals at Camera Critter.


  1. Squirrel, What great photos of the luna moth! I thnk it must have been newly emerged--it's colors are bright and the wings aren't ragged. Thanks for showing it!

    Carolyn H

  2. It does have an otherworldly look of beauty.

  3. OH, what stunning photos! I don't get to see lunas very often, and the ones I usually find are pretty battered. What a nice treat!

  4. Wow! Incredibly beautiful moth, and photographs to match. How blessed you were that it visited you.

  5. Thank you all for your appreciation of the Luna. On the last photo you can see tiny tiny drops of rain around the eye spot. I was blessed indeed.

  6. Great post and photos of the Luna! The caterpillar is a cool sighting too.

  7. Fabulous shots. Critters in My Muskoka are terribly tricky,too!

  8. Thanks for the information. Amazing creatures. Nice name too for the species. Luna.. reminds me of the moon actually. :-)

    Anyways, hope you have a nice day. Have a wonderful weekend too.


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