Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Unusual Shaped Moths

Lately I have had some very unusual shaped moths come to the porch light.  What they lack in color they make up for in shape.  I suspect that they are trying to mimic something but I am clueless as to what. Maybe torn leaves or bark, who knows the mind of a moth. 

Here are some for your viewing pleasure and curious minds.

Acrolopophus sp. (Grass-tubeworm Moth)

It is his mohawk that caught my attention. I haven't been able to identify it down to species. If anyone knows what it is please let me know.

Calledapteryx dryopterata (Brown Scoopwing)

Looks like something took a bite out of this one. Not. This is the natural shape. Is it me or do the holes look like eyes and the center of the back look like a pointed nose?  I've had about 3 of these show up this month.

Palthis angulasis (Dark-spotted Palthis)

Now this one looks like a paper airplane that I would have made in grade school and flown across the room when no one was looking. Of course my aim was to hit a friend in the head. The folded up part is characteristic of Palthis species. The point at the end is actually a pair of elongated libial palps used as sensory organs and they are particularly long in this genera.

Datana angusii (Drexel's Datana)

From one extreme to another, this guy almost doesn't have a face. I call them cigar butt moths. The larva like to feed on oak and apple leaves.

Geina periscelidactylus (Plum Moth)

I think they are trying to mimic dried grass or dead stems. I have never seen them in the daytime so I think that strategy must be working or I haven't looked in the right place.

Visit other interesting creatures at Camera Critters.


  1. What fun! They all seem to say, "You can't find me!"

  2. Awesome moths it seems and you found some dandies!

  3. Very nice photos - strange shapes indeed.

  4. Great series of moth shots. I really like the punk moth a lot.

  5. Super excellent photos! That first one at first, I thought it was a caterpillar. Really, I did.

    My CC---She's not a NINJA turtle!! I do hope you can stop by to visit with me.

    Have a great weekend.

  6. Amazing creatures! I suppose that these critters are very good at hide-and-seek.

  7. They are fantastic moth photos. I love the moths in the summer. I wonder if that plum moth gets up here at all, I'd love to photograph it.

  8. So perfectly camouflaged. Great collection.

  9. Great captures and cool looking moths. The last one really looks neat.

  10. Great captures and cool looking moths. The last one really looks neat.

  11. Thanks to all of you. I am so glad you liked seeing these beautiful moths and I appreciate your comments. I am working on a collection of B&W moths because I got a really nice one at the light last night and want to show it off.

  12. We don't know what your mohawk is, I'm afraid, but we found one in our garden in the UK today. If you do find out what it is please post an update!


I'm delighted you've stopped by to visit and leave your comment or question. I will try to reply soon, so stop back by anytime. I would love to share thoughts with you. See ya online, Squirrel