Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Post Cards from Yosemite National Park

Yosemite National Park was spectacular!  What more can one say.  Most people are familiar with the history and the iconic photos so I have decided to tweak mine a little in Adobe Lightroom and give them an vintage post card and old 50's photo look.

Tunnel View

From my journal 18 April I wrote: I am at the end of the Happy Isles trail and I can hardly take my eyes away from the surrounding water long enough to write. Several times I have fought back tears of ecstasy while visiting this national treasure. Thank you John Muir for pointing out its beauty.

The water just keeps flowing and flowing by me down to the bridge where I found a pair of Water Ouzels. They are so amazing how they can hop into the water and walk around on the bottom. Earlier at the fen I saw a pair of Red-breasted Sapsuckers, a life bird for me. 

I am so glad I stayed the extra day. Next week will be the fullness of spring in the valley and the week after that I will be in the desert. I can't imagine being away for this flowing water. Oh, to live here in the spring.

I am constantly looking up to the granite mountains and tall redwoods. They draw my eyes to the heavens as though I am in a great cathedral, the rushing water my choir. How well we are adapted to this earth to find such beauty and peace in our surroundings. 

Yesterday I observed a ground squirrel siting and watching the river as I am now. How could it not stop every now and then from its daily chores to just sit and watch.

Half Dome
Upper and Lower Falls



  1. Beautiful images of Yosemite! It was another one of my favorite national parks.

  2. I am so happy that you are having the time of your life. What a reward for many years of hard work. Love the photos.


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