Thursday, March 20, 2014

Yellowstone National Park - looking for wild life

June 13, 2013

My first stop was Le Hardy's Rapids where I saw four Harlequin Ducks. They were so beautiful and I was  mesmerized watching them navigate up the rapids.

Here is a YouTube video I made of a bit of what I saw.

On my way to Hayden Valley I took some time to hike the Pelican Creek Trail. It begins overlooking wetlands, towards the mountains near Fishing Bridge. The sound of tree frogs were everywhere and very loud. As I entered the pines I saw a pair of Mountain Chickadees flying to and from a hole in a dead stump. I was so tempted to take a peak but knew it was not a good idea to upset them. I saw many white butterflies but could only guess at the species.  As I entered the forest I mentally reviewed my bear defense strategies just in case.

Soon I came to the Yellowstone Lake shore, with its gray sand.  I could hear Canada Geese off in the distance against the gentle lapping of the waves.

Standing there I noticed a storm approaching and could hear the distant thunder. As I walked the shore line I heard a pair of ducks fly off, and it seemed as if my hearing had improved in this quiet setting.

The sky darkened as I came back around to the marsh and the thunder was louder. Soon I could hear the sound of rain falling on my hat. I returned to my camper just in time to avoid being hit by the pounding hail.

When it was all over in a few minutes the frogs sang again and a gray jay paid me a visit, another life bird.

I drove a little further were everyone else was and had a chance to see a young grizzly running across the meadow. One of the other visitors shared a scope, so I had a good look.

Later in the day I saw a coyote. It was a very wildlife thrilling day!


  1. Hi. What brought me to your blog was the fact it was called squirrels view. I thought it was like my website which is about actual squirrels. But I have to tell you that you have a knack for photography. The pictures of yellowstone are breathtaking. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wow what a day - a grizzly and a coyote! :-)


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